Tokudaw’s 2023 Wrapped Up—Your Trusted Private Car Services Agency

 Hello TokudAw family,

Happy 2024! As we enter this new year, our hearts are with those affected by the recent earthquake in Japan—particularly in Ishikawa Prefecture—places close to our hearts like Kanazawa, Kaga Onsen, and Komatsu City.

Reflecting on 2023, it was a remarkable year for us as a private car services travel agency in Japan. We enjoyed creating exceptional journeys for 681 tourists, introducing them to the heart of Japan's culture and traditions.

In our Destination Management Department, we warmly welcomed over 2000 guests, providing them with memorable experiences from authentic tea ceremonies to refreshing morning activities—capturing the spirit of Japan.

In 2023, we also took a meaningful step into medical tourism in Japan. Teaming up with Keio University Hospital—we hosted our 1st medical wellness tour—which included health check-ups as part of our tours. This initiative was about improving your wellness journey by focusing on both your physical and mental health.

Our Consulting Department helped foreign companies establish their presence in the Japanese market, and it's been great guiding them to make their mark in Japan. Led by Wanping Aw, our managing director with a Ph.D. in biomedical science, we helped an Indonesian bioscience startup successfully enter the Japanese market.

Next up, we're excited about what 2024 has in store. Starting in April, we're launching our new Bus Department. This means we'll bring you luxury buses integrated with the latest tech, all driven by our fantastic drivers who truly understand TokudAw. We can't wait for you to experience this new addition to our services.

This year is also a milestone for our team's growth and diversity. We are expanding to include staff from Switzerland, the Philippines, Malaysia, the USA, Singapore, and Taiwan and are proud of our team's diversity. It's a big part of who we are and how we work.

We're bringing together people from all over the globe and creating a space where non-Japanese and Japanese people can connect and understand each other.

2024 is all about your happiness and health since we're expanding our services to include medical, wellness, and educational tours.

Last—a big thank you for all your support. We're looking forward to the fun and adventures in 2024. Come join us on this exciting journey and make this year amazing.

Best wishes,

The TokudAw Team


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